Saturday, January 28, 2006

Creation Science/Intelligent Design-some thoughts

I guess you could say that this is part two of my Religion vs. Science themed entries. This entry is one to bring up important questions and problems with creation science or intelligent design.

I think the one thing that needs to be pointed out is that not all Christians are all on the same page. They tend to fight with each other. The Institute for Creation Research takes a very strict view about creationism by rejecting any compromises to Genesis. The gap theory and the Day Age theory are seen to be compromises to Genesis and they are completely rejected. The gap theory recognizes that there are two accounts of creation and this allows for a long history of the earth and the process of evolution. The day age theory suggests that the 6 days of creation were not 6 twenty-four hour days, but six epochs of creation. Both of these were seen as compromises to what the Bible says according to the Institute of Creation Science. These fundamentalists think that religion has made too many accomodations to science and that religion needs to get back to its roots.

Back to its roots? Since when was science the enemy? Don't we have bigger problems, like the fact that many people in this country have no idea what it really means to have freedom in Christ? Since when is evolution and Darwin the equivalent of Satan? Shouldn't we focus on what Christianity is about, the resurrection of Jesus and emulating the example he set before us? Since when is making science the enemy getting back to the roots of Christianity? I personally think that God is so much bigger than science and science could never take that place that God has in my life. Let science take care of science, and let God take care of his people. That's his job anyway.

What makes me sick is that many Christians donate their money to causes like the Institute of Creation Science when their money can do so much in a local church. Let's help the needy, spread the message of freedom in Christ, and focus on that mission alone. That's what we are called to do as Christians. That's money well spent, not proving that the Bible is absolutely right. What does God have to prove anyway? So why try to prove that his Holy Bible is right? Sheesh people.

Why can't we act like Christians instead of proving that we are right?

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