Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Church Business: Who's business is it?

Church business meetings can be reality shows in the making. No matter how you slice it, every church has its politics. It's completely unavoidable; no church is without its own politics. It's how the politics of the church are handled that makes a church different from another.

Lately I've been going through Oswald Chambers' devotional book, My Utmost for His Highest, and I came across this quote:

The church ceases to be spiritual when it becomes self-seeking, only interested in the development of its own organization. (July 12 devotional)

The truth of the matter is this: the church belongs to God not us. When the church takes its vision away from God, then that's when things go wrong. At my local church here in Fredericksburg, our business meetings are famous for long winded discussions and a low productivity level. But one thing really bothered me in particular, the lack of prayer for the church. We have plenty of prayer time for the church's members, but not for the future of the church itself. After all, if it isn't our church, shouldn't we be seeking guidance from the One in charge? Paul says this,

Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace.
Ephesians 4:3

If we as a church are truly united in the Holy Spirit, then why don't we seek Him in all of our meetings? Why treat a church like a business, if its not our business after all?

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